Collagen to Enlarge Breasts & Buttocks

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In recent years, the aesthetic concerns have always brought people seeking physical improvement to turn to medicine. The collagen has long been used in the case of medical necessity. Doctors have learned that can be used to improve the appearance of the breasts or buttocks. Collagen may be preferred by some individuals in search of the breast or buttock enhancement because it is less invasive than other methods.

Although the methods, tools and substances involved are changed, fat injection has been used in medicine for many years. Since 1800, the injection of grease has been used to correct anomalies aesthetic, as recesses and malformations present as part of a disease process.

In modern medicine, fat injection is often used in elective procedures to improve the appearance. Many people choose this method for breast augmentation and / or buttocks because it is a minimally invasive way to achieve a desired effect.

Collagen vs. Other types of fat injections
There are many types of fat injections. Two of the most common are exogenous injection of grease (such as the injection of collagen) and injection of autologous fat, which typically involves the removal of excess fat from a body part for the deposit in another area.

In general, the collagen used for the increase is derived from animal sources (usually cows and other cattle). In some cases, can be human collagen. Human collagen is obtained from sources such as human corpses and the placenta, while the typical collagen is harvested from animals.

The collagen is "exogenous", which means that it is not generated from your body. This also means that involves a risk of reaction. Each time that a foreign substance enters the body, there is a certain risk, due to unpredictable immune responses. However, this degree of risk varies from individual to individual and should be discussed with a doctor before starting the procedure. Moreover, as with any invasive procedure, there is the risk of complications, such as local infections.

For those who want to improve the area of ​​the breast or buttocks, there are many options. Collagen injections are an attractive option for many patients because of the cost-effectiveness and because unlike traditional upgrades do not require major surgery. Thus, the collagen enhancement option has a relatively low-risk, fast and effective for those who seek to enlarge the breasts and / or buttocks. In fact, Matsundo and Toledo characterize injected fat grafting as an approach that involves "the main advantages and few complications."

There are many things to consider when pondering changes to your breasts and / or buttocks. When choosing a method for enlargement, it is important to factor in overall health, availability of resources, the desired result and the implications of the choice. For example, an increase of collagen can require less recovery time, but will also require maintenance that a major surgery can not. Consequently, when a dramatic change is the size you want, you may need to consider --- it is unlikely that collagen is the most appropriate method for extreme changes.


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